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Well, we didn't mean for that to happen...

When we were playing John and Peter's a couple weeks ago, on March 18th, only our second show of the year, we were having a blast and doing our thing. We followed our BFFs, The Extensions, who absolutely rocked their set with great energy. And the opener, Heavy Flow, set the stage for the night with their powerful brand of new grunge.

We were playing our second-to-last song, "Slayer Jazz," which was getting a little wilder than usual. John often bends the neck and hammers on the body of the guitar to get extra sounds and distortions during his huge sustained chords (maybe the next guitar should have a whammy bar...).

At the show the night before, at Prototype in Paterson, he did this and most of his guitar strings dropped about a half step, so I had to scramble and find the new key. So this night, at J&Ps, he was about to do the same, and I looked at him and shook my head 'no.' He laughed and went to hit the guitar, but then lightly tapped it with his fist.

But then, he had to make up for this acquiescence after the sax-drum break down, with a rather unique re-entry... This was luckily captured on video, so, you can see what happened.

Anyway! With backup guitar in hand, we've got some upcoming shows we are very excited about! We'll be returning to our favorite stomping grounds of Prototype and John & Peters next weekend, Friday 4/21 and Saturday 4/22 respectively. Then the following weekend we'll be at Puck in Doylestown, PA on Saturday 4/29. More dates and info below!

  • Friday, 4/21 - Protoype in Paterson, NJ, with The Extensions, Those Looks and RNA
  • Saturday, 4/22 - John and Peter's in New Hope, PA, with Alpha Rabbit, Lasso Kelly, and Brunswick
  • Saturday, 4/29 - Puck, Doylestown, PA
  • Friday, 5/5 - Pino's in Highland Park, NJ
  • Friday, 7/28 - Prototype
  • Saturday, 7/29 - John and Peter's

News > Slayer Jazz slayed guitar... plus upcoming shows!
