Joy on Fire to Play Burlington Discover Jazz Festival

Yes, Yes, YES!!!  Sometimes the universe throws you a bone, and we have that bone, and we're taking it with us to Vermont this Saturday to play in the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival.  YES!!!  

We love Burlington.  A LOT. Over the past year, we've found a home away from home at a place called Radio Bean.  It's a super funky, eclectic, let-it-all-hang-out "bohemian utopia" where cool, friendly people thrive on live music and always make us feel welcomed and appreciated.  The VT bands we've played with are way cool, too. We always look forward to playing The Bean and we always have a great time.

Now, we hear a lot of things when we play - people enjoy our music and get excited, often they want us to come play at some event or with their band or what have you.  Many times, by Monday, when the hangovers are gone and folks get back to their daily grind, these offers have faded into foggy half-memories.

Awesome poster by Cranston Dize, click to enlarge!

Radio Bean's owner enjoys our music and has long been involved in the jazz fest, now in its 35th year.  Late one Saturday night, after our set and as folks were closing the place, he offered to get us into the festival, and we were hopeful but also understood that we may be chasing the fog come Monday.  Sure enough, as we were pondering how much and how soon to pester him about it, the phone rang and he had it all set up.

So, this Saturday, June 9, at 11:30 pm, we'll play a sweet, long, riotous set at Radio Bean as part of the 35th Annual Burlington Discover Jazz Fest.  We are thrilled and honored. If you're in the area, please come by and enjoy the music/food/drinks/energy of The Bean. If you know folks around Burlington, please send them our way.  Either way, send us some love this weekend and we'll turn it into music.

BTW, here's our latest video, in case you haven't seen it.

See you soon!
